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Monday, October 25, 2010

Google Alert - sri lanka travel

Blogs6 new results for sri lanka travel
Is Australia likely to tour Sri Lanka in the near future? | Travel ...
By admin
Last time they were here we were able to see 3 well fought tight test matches wich were won by Australia. Highlights were Murali & Warne picking up 500 test.
Travel to Australia -
Sri Lankan Cuisine - Some Of The Spiciest Foods In The World
Renowned for its international trade in spices from the days of its early history, the island of Sri Lanka claims one of the spiciest food cultures in the world. Rice is the staple diet of its people, complemented by an array of ...
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Cricket in Sri Lanka - a Sport, a Passion, a Way of Life ...
By Pushpitha Wijesinghe
Cricket was introduced to Sri Lanka by the British after they invaded the island in 1802. The sport quickly grew in popularity among the local population and several decades later, it has become the passion of an entire nation whose ...
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World Tourism Day winners announced - Travel & Tourism News ...
Leading up to the celebrations, among other competitions, Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau launched two competitions for the domestic market; the Photographic Competition and the SMS Campaign. Sri Lanka Tourism...
Tops Sri Lanka - - Daily... -
Your Dream Destination Awaits.....: Things to do in Sri Lanka
By Sri Lankan Getaways
Sri Lanka has many caves, which has given rise to the activity of caving. TO BE CONTINUED ....... Stay Tuned with Sri Lankan Getaways Source : - SLTB Visit: - Posted by Sri Lankan Getaways at 10:23 PM ...
Your Dream Destination Awaits..... -
An Unforgettable Encounter with Wild Wonders in Sri Lanka's ...
By Pushpitha Wijesinghe
Spread out over 425 square miles in the north-western coastline of Sri Lanka lies the largest wildlife sanctuary and national park on the island. Lined with cascading plains, natural lakes and an impressive list of inhabitants that ...
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